Friday, March 21, 2008 LibraryThing

This week's tutorial was challenging but at the end of the session, I was happy with my achievement.
The concept of social tagging was not new or revolutionary to me. I think librarians have been doing that all along but we did not have a name for it. is a useful tool in reference work. I like the idea of multiple contributor and yet not having an administrator, I think most people don't mind adding but really would not relish the thought of site or page maintenance. The tag cloud is also very useful, especially rating the number of time a tag has been selected for that particular site. I guess that you can safely assume that the higher the number, the more relevant is the information.
LibraryThing is a great tool for reader advisory service in library.We have a monthly bestseller list (paper format), it is static and traditional. This tool can be use to produce the monthly newsletter or enable staff or patrons to review a book (provide that we create an account for either staff or library patrons.Personally, I thing LibraryThing is a great tool to keep track of your reading through the years.

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